Vinyl Patio Doors

Custom Vinyl Patio Doors in Kansas City, MO

Vinyl patio doors are a budget-friendly – yet high-performance – option for Kansas City area homeowners.

Whether you are replacing an existing patio door, or remodeling your home to make room for a patio, Bordner’s patio door experts can help you select the right vinyl patio door, and provide high-quality installation. Bordner installs high-efficiency vinyl patio doors that are as beautiful as they are efficient and maintenance-free. Manufactured with high-quality hardware, PVC vinyl, and tempered glass, these patio doors will perform well and add value to your home for decades to come.

For more information on our vinyl patio doors or to schedule a FREE consultation at your home in the Kansas City, MO, area, please contact Bordner today at

(816) 358-2102.

A close up of a white sliding glass door in a room.

Kansas City’s Source for Vinyl Patio Doors

Our team of seasoned professionals installs vinyl patio doors with an unparalleled level of care and expertise.

Vinyl Patio Door Features

Bordner’s high-quality vinyl patio doors are crafted in the United States by Vinylmax. In addition to standard two- or three-panel patio doors, your patio door can be custom designed and manufactured to include fixed panels and over-the-door transoms that provide spacious views of your property, yard, deck, patio or courtyard.

Vinyl patio doors installed by Bordner include:

  • Fusion-welded frame that will not crack or pull-apart
  • Double-paned insulated tempered glass that is efficient and durable
  • Full Interlock system and double weather-stripping that protect your home against drafts and the weather
  • Reinforced rails that prevent your door from warping or twisting
  • Rolling screen door with fiberglass mesh
  • Optional features such as a heavy-duty screen, brass handle, toe lock, key lock and high-efficiency IntelliGlass glaze
  • A variety of finish, color and grid options to match your style and other vinyl window products installed in your home
  • Lifetime Limited Warranty


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Signs Your PATIO Door Needs Replaced

Over time, wear and tear can take a toll on your door's performance and appearance. It's essential to recognize the signs that indicate it's time for a door replacement. Here are some common indicators:

Visible Damage:

Look for visible signs of damage, such as cracks, dents, or warping. These issues not only affect the aesthetics but can compromise the door's structural integrity and security.

Drafts and Energy Loss:

If you notice drafts or feel a noticeable temperature difference near your doors, it could be a sign of poor insulation. Older doors may not provide the energy efficiency needed to keep your home comfortable and your utility bills in check.

Difficulty Opening or Closing:

Doors that are hard to open or close, or those that stick or squeak, can be frustrating and may indicate alignment or structural issues.

Fading or Peeling Finish:

Exterior doors exposed to the elements can experience fading, peeling paint, or finish. This not only affects the appearance but also exposes the door to potential damage.

Security Concerns:

Doors that no longer lock securely or have damaged locks can pose a security risk. A secure and properly functioning door is crucial for your safety.

Rot or Water Damage:

Wooden doors are susceptible to rot and water damage, especially if not properly maintained. Signs of rot or water stains should not be ignored.

Outdated Style:

If your door no longer matches your home's style or curb appeal, it might be time for an upgrade to boost your home's aesthetics.

Recognizing these signs can help you make an informed decision about replacing your doors. At Bordner Home Improvement, we offer a range of replacement door options and expert installation services to ensure your home remains secure, energy-efficient, and stylish.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Why choose Vinyl Patio Doors?

    Vinyl patio doors are known for their durability, energy efficiency, low maintenance, and affordability. They are resistant to moisture, fading, and warping, making them an excellent choice for various climates.

  • Can I customize the appearance of my vinyl doors?

    Yes, you can customize the appearance of your vinyl patio doors. Choose from a range of finishes, grid patterns, hardware options, and even different colors to match your home's aesthetics.

  • How do I prepare for installation?

    Before installation, it's essential to clear the area around the patio doors, remove any obstacles, and ensure a safe workspace for our installation team. We'll provide you with specific preparation instructions.

  • Do Vinyl Patio Doors need maintenance?

    Vinyl patio doors are known for their low maintenance requirements. They do not need painting or staining, and cleaning with mild soap and water is usually sufficient to keep them looking great.

  • Are vinyl patio doors energy-efficient?

    Yes, modern vinyl patio doors are designed with energy efficiency in mind. They typically feature multi-pane glass, Low-E coatings, and argon gas fills to improve insulation and reduce heat transfer, helping you save on energy costs.

  • How long does installation take?

    The duration of the installation process can vary depending on factors like the type of door, the complexity of the installation, and the size of the project. During your consultation, we will provide you with a timeframe for your specific project.

  • Why hire a professional?

    Professional installation ensures precise measurements, secure and weatherproof installation, and warranty coverage. It guarantees that your doors will perform optimally and provide the expected benefits.

  • How do I get started?

    Getting started is easy! Contact us for a free consultation. Our experts will assess your needs, discuss design options, and provide a quote tailored to your project. We're here to guide you through the entire process.

Have other questions? Give us a call!

The Bordner Difference


When it comes to Vinyl Patio Door Installation, choosing the right partner can make all the difference. At Bordner Home Improvement, we go above and beyond to ensure that your project is handled with precision, professionalism, and care.

We understand that the foundation of any successful installation lies in the materials used and the craftsmanship provided. Our products are manufactured with high-quality hardware, PVC vinyl, and tempered glass, which means these your new patio door will perform well for years to come.

At Bordner we offer standard two or three-panel patio doors, but are also proud to custom design options available that can include fixed panels and over-the-door transoms.

Contact Bordner Home Improvement for a complimentary consultation or quote regarding Vinyl Patio Door Installation services. Our experts are ready to help you transform your home's indoor-outdoor connection.


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Free Roofing Consultation and Estimate

When you choose Bordner Home Improvement over the other roofing contractors in the Kansas City area, you’ll be paired with a project manager who will serve as your point of contact throughout the duration of your roofing project.

Unlike some other contractors we emphasize exceptional service, so someone will always be available to answer any questions you have, keeping you informed every step of the way. To learn more contact Bordner® at (816) 737-8409 today.


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We protect customers by developing solutions to their home improvement needs with one goal in mind – complete satisfaction. That’s why we’ve gained more than 80,000 satisfied customers in the Kansas City area since 1987. Our craftsmanship is proven, our warranties let you rest at night, and we stay people (not project) focused.

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